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L3 KEO Completes Initial Integration Testing of the new MK20 Mod 1 Electro-Optial Sensor System.

| 2017
SNA 2017 Show News - L3 MK20 Mod 1 EOSS
L3 KEO Completes Initial Integration Testing of the new MK20 Mod 1 Electro-Optial Sensor System
L3 KEO announced during SNA 2017 the successful completion of initial integration and performance testing of its new MK20 Mod 1 Electro-Optical Sensor System (EOSS) on U.S. Navy land-based test facilities. L3’s MK20 Mod 1 was tested at Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division and Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division over an array of conditions and scenarios. The MK20 EOSS is a critical element of the
MK34 and MK48 Gun Weapon Systems that provide accurate gun engagement capabilities against air and surface threats. The improved MK20 Mod 1 is currently planned to be installed aboard U.S. Navy Cruisers/Destroyers and U.S. Coast Guard Cutters.
AOEW pod system for MH 60 L3 was using a One 360 sensor with the MK20 Mod 1 at SNA 2017 to demonstrate multi target detection and engagement. The MK20 Mod 1 is set to be fitted on DDG 51 Flight III and upgraded Flight I.
“This successful test is an exciting program milestone for our U.S. Navy customer and the L3 team. The effort is the culmination of two years of work by our engineering staff to develop an EOSS that is less than half the weight of the prior systems, but with greater resolution and range,” said Matt Richi, President of L3 KEO. “This new system is a great fit not only for the Cruisers and Destroyers we traditionally serve, but also for potential applications on the Littoral Combat Ship and future Frigate programs. Our customers need the best shock-qualified firstround hit accuracy possible, and our MK20 Mod 1 enables future networked gun engagements needed to defeat next-generation threats.”

The new L3-funded design increases range and resolution while reducing space, weight and
power requirements from the ship. It also maintains crucial Grade A shock capability while maintaining pointing accuracy.

L3 has supplied EO sensor systems to both the U.S. Navy’s DDG and CG shipbuilding and
modernization programs and to the U.S. Coast Guard for 20 years, with nearly 100 MK46 and MK20 Mod 0 systems in service with the U.S., Australian, Korean and Japanese naval forces.

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