The Belgian Navy support and command ship Godetia (A960) will be the flagship of the NATO SNMCMG1 (Standing Naval Mine Counter Measures Group 1) flotilla from July 22nd. The Flotilla will leave Zeebrugge as under the command of Commander Peter Ramboer.
The Belgian Navy support and command ship Godetia (A960) will be the flagship of the NATO SNMCMG1. Belgian Navy picture.
The Godetia will leave its home port with mine hunters from Latvia, Lithuania and Great Britain. Next week, Dutch and German mines hunters will join the flotilla in the Baltic Sea. The ship will serve as a command platform for the NATO fleet that will be operating in northern waters until the end of this year. One of their first missions after a brief rest period will be the clearing of a historic minefield off the western Norwegian coast.
BNS Godetia may be an old lady, but it has been completely repainted with a double component paint, and all the elements of the propulsion as well as the power generation devices have been overhauled. The most impressive renovation concerns the devices of the bridge. The latter has been equipped with state-of-the-art equipment. Following modular modifications, both the bridge and the control of the propulsion have been automated, in this way, the Godetia can be directed by one person from the bridge (one man bridge).
In addition, the ship's internal data communication system (hardware) has been adapted and secured. The most visible are probably the two new radomes protecting the new SATCOM (satellite communications). With this installation, the Godetia can serve as an active 'hotspot' for the benefit of Belgian troops on mission in Africa or in Afghanistan.
Finally, a new dynamic fire detection plant has been installed.
This renovation planned in the maintenance schedule of the Godetia must allow it to sail until 2023. In addition to its missions as a support vessel and command, the Godetia will serve as a platform for testing the new UAVs of the new fleet MCM (mining hunt).
Despite the great age of the Godetia, this ship is important for the Belgian Navy, which is why it is frequently deployed and has above all, a professional crew.
The Godetia currently has 780,000 Nm on the clock! This is the best proof that the Belgians can maintain their ships with bits of string "More Majorum" (according to the custom of our elders).
The Belgian command of the NATO Permanent Flotilla for Mine Action runs until the end of 2018.